Well April is done! That means rest is done and playing and having fun...just joking, the real fun just started!
After making the switch to the Alberta World Cup Academy this spring, two days later I was on my way to Silver Star, BC with the rest of the 15 new team members and two coaches.
I will be honest here and say that I was not at all prepared to go from blasting around the trails with my uber fast running friends and dancing it up on friday nights to being back in athlete mode. So the first three days of the camp I spent being grouchy and not sleeping. The mistake I made was trying to seperate the two "lives". So on day four I decided to stop fighting the fun vs. business sides of sport and just let the two coexist- after that I was back to my normal self- even throwing in a bit of a hammer ski and a trail run. BALANCE YOUNG GRASS HOPPER!!!
We worked a ton on classic technique- however my quote on day two of the camp was "I just don't feel like absorbing technique or taking constructive critism" yes, that was my nice way of saying "leave me the *^&% alone"...note to coaches and teammates, I have a mean streak! (sort of?)
It puked snow on two occasions, leaving us with a beautiful, perfect winter wonderland!...on May 9th!!!....but it didn't really stop me from loving it! My favorite conditions are deep wet snow- so I was all up for a good day of cruising slowly!
Canmore is warming up nicely and I'm happy!? to report I did my first rollerski intensity yesterday- I forgot how much I love to hammer!!! This is going to be a great summer!
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