The last week in Canmore has been an interesting one. When we got back from Silverstar we were greeted with frigid temperatures. Canmore was like a ghost town, no one was walking around on main street, no cars were driving and evidence of our van that had turned into an icebox around lake louise definetly all pointed to a very uncomfortable arrival home.
Even the first two days, I tried to remain positive, but after not being able to fullfill the volume block of training on my plan, I started to panic a bit. Then I started thinking about intensity and how I would keep things moving forward from the first races and well all I could think about was how much I wanted to go home to Ontario.
It is now only -14 in Canmore. Which is much more tolerable and I can do intensity in this weather too. We did do a 60 min z3/4 pursuit yesterday in -18 which is legal for races, so I figured I would have to get used to racing in the cold, slow snow. I was pretty tired at the end, but happy that I did it because I feel a lot more confident on this snow then I had other years.
The nordic centre is still taking their sweet time with opening the world cup loops- I am very anxious to get on these and do some intensity!
We have lots of workouts planned as a group which will keep things sharp.
have a great day!